That Guy
I’m finally that guy. “Well,” I said to Darling as I walked into the living room from being outside. “I’m finally that guy .” I have to admit I was grinning from ear to ear. She just looked up from the book she was reading on the iPad (shameless plug;it was the Kindle app). “What guy? The guy who finally published a book ?” I shook my head. When we moved into this house I noticed that we were the old people on the block. Up and down the street are young families with small children. “Ha!” I said to Darling right after we moved in. “I’m going to be the old guy on the corner yelling at the kids to get off my lawn.” Let me be clear here. I didn’t yell at any kids to get off my lawn today. However… I have to give you a little background. When we moved into this house our first month’s water bill was over $200. I’m thinking maybe I’m paying for catching up the bill or for some extreme water usage as we were making the needed repairs to move into the place. The ...