
Showing posts from May, 2020

Land of the Free

Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. Not Land of the Oppressed. Home of the Slaves. We are free to choose. Not choose which laws to obey, but choose which lawmakers reflect our wishes. That's democracy, a foundation of our country. We are brave. Bravery is not inciting violence and mayhem. Bravery is not committing acts of pillage and plunder against our countrymen, violating their rights. Bravery is doing the right thing, regardless of the tears streaming down our faces at injustice, corruption and evil.  Violence does not do that. Did we learn nothing from Martin Luther King? Did we learn nothing from Gandhi? Did we learn nothing from Nelson Mandela? Did we learn nothing from Jesus Christ? Bravery is acting with boldness when elections come and voting for people who will do the right thing. To truly be the Land of the Free we must Free the Land. Violence does not do that. Votes do.