
Showing posts from 2013

Thursday Thimble-full of Thoughts

I know I do my links on Wednesdays, but these were so good I just needed to do an update. Yeah, they are all from Wired. I might have to change my Wednesdays to Thursdays if they keep this up. No, this isn't it. Not only did he (or she) make a virtual 3D printer in Minecraft, the video explains in detail how he did it. That's almost as amazing. AND he has a link to download the Minecraft world. How awesome is that? Here's the direct link to the YouTube video where the download is . There seem to be quite a few Minecraft 3D printers on YouTube now. I'll have to peruse them later. Foot fins - even better than flippers. These allow you to swim like Aquaman , but you won't be able to psychically control fish, so don't try that. A Lego Hot Rod that actually runs . Remember the amazing thing about the dancing bear is not that he dances so gracefully, but that he dances at all. There are two amazing things about this hot rod: it's made ...

Wednesday Weekly Bits and Pieces - 18 Dec 2013

This is a pretty slim week, and I might skip next week (since it will be Christmas Day and I'll probably be exhausted from those three spirits who always visit me the night before Christmas). Today, three years ago, Darling's Mother passed away in the hospital. She was an amazing woman, though she and I had some tough interactions. That happens when you live with someone so hard-headed for a decade (you decide who I mean). If you're short of Christmas presents, you could give that special someone a copy of my book, My Mother-in-law Misadventures . You can buy the Kindle or get the paperback (and thanks! Let's get sales into double digits!). China landed on the moon. I think that's a most important story. It's all over the internet, but here's one link to the story . China is now the third country to make a soft landing on our natural satellite, the first soft Moon landing in 37 years. You'll read about it anyway, so I might as well a...

Wednesday Weekly Bits and Pieces - 11 Dec 2013

Pope Francis was named Time's 2013 Person of the Year , and it's even top news on CNN . Rightly so. I have to admit I like the guy. Maybe I should invite him over to dinner on Christmas. I wonder where I should send the Christmas card? It seems that Curiosity found evidence of an ancient freshwater lake on Mars . A little terra-forming and we could turn the Red Planet into a Green Planet. And people are already volunteering to migrate to the new world! About 200,000 people applied to live on Mars , and I guess the application cost about $40 USD apiece. Crowd-funding a trip to Marsā€¦ What a good idea. You can look at some of the profiles of people who applied. Technical and funding problems abound. There will be a two year delay , though, at a minimum. So the first few humans could be on Mars as early as 2025 - but don't hold your breath on that one. This is one of the better financial planning pages on the Internet, in my opinion. Put in your data and you...

Routine Maintenance

I like routine. Doing the same things in the same order at the same time every day is soothing to me, and almost vital to being functional and productive. That's one of the reasons that thoughts of retirement frighten me a little. It's one of the main reasons that I have such a hard time going on vacation. I'm much more comfortable in a vacation tour, like the trip we took to Israel. Everything was scheduled. If I can't have routine, a schedule is a nice substitute. Current society celebrates spontaneity. I have a tough time with spontaneity, unless it's scheduled in advance. Here's my morning routine: Wake up about 5AM. That can vary, but usually not by more than fifteen minutes. I don't set my alarm clock any more. Even my subconscious likes routine. Take care of bodily necessities. (You figure that one out.) In this order: apply deodorant, brush my teeth, fill a glass with water, take my pills with a few swallows of water, p...

Wednesday Weekly Bits and Pieces - 04 Dec 2013

How do I gather these links? They are the ones I find most interesting during the previous week, and I don't want to lose them. So - I share! Incoming package! The technology is available to deliver packages by drone , and that is certainly a much better use for drones than seek and destroy missions. However, the procedural problems might hinder the expansion of this idea into the realm of reality. We'll see. Amazon says they are committed to having this ready as early as 2015. I can wait that long to see if it works. I'm more interested in drones that can save lives . Some bits of the comet ISON might have survived the close encounter with the sun. Scientists don't have enough data yet, but we'll keep an eye on that. Three is the charmed number! SpaceX now has a satellite in geosynchronous orbit on its third try. I love this one. Years ago I read a book called Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy , a classic Futurist book where a society defeate...

Wednesday Weekly Bits and Pieces - 27 Nov 2013

I have a story, but I'll save it... Thursday is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA. Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends, to everyone celebrating the holiday, and to everyone in the world. I'm thankful for all the good people I know, the good times I've shared with others and the quiet times with my God. Oh, and for Turkey dinner. Sorry, Turkey. Friday is Native American Heritage Day. That's a mouthful, but here are some pictures from the early 1900s of Native Americans . All of them were taken by Edward S. Curtis. Some Native Americans say Thanksgiving reminds them of the genocide of the Native Americans . Actually, it was one of the first recorded times when the Native Americans and settlers worked together for mutual benefit. What ravaged the entire Native American culture, even before the colonizing of the country, was disease. The fantastic book 1491 by Charles C. Mann delves into the Americas before the coming of the Europeans and how the...

Friday Fritters

We all know that JFK was assassinated fifty years ago (I won't even put a link - stories abound). It makes me feel old. Anyone alive can tell you where they were when they heard of the assassination, much like 9-11. I was a barely six and the lady who took care of me after kindergarten cried while she watched television. "The President died. Someone shot him." That's all we watched for days on our tiny television, in black and white. "A second plane crashed into the Twin Towers." My company set a TV up in the lobby. We all watched, in color. Some incidents shape our world. Hug the ones you love. PS4 or Xbox One? That's the current game console debate. I was wrong in my Wednesday post when I said they were both available. They are now, though. Bottom line? Wait a while if you can; prices will eventually go down for the consoles and the number of good games will go up. If you can't wait then you probably already have a preference. Wire...

Twelve Years

Dad, Mom and me in 1958. On 12/12/12 I wrote a post about the number twelve . Suddenly the number twelve has another meaning. I think of my Mom often, but there are two dates that I think of her especially and miss her. As I said in a post a few years ago, some pains never really go away . You just get used to them. A little bit. Maybe. One date I think fondly of Mom is her birthday, January 17 . The other date is today, November 21. Twelve years is a long time to miss you, Mom, but it went pretty fast. Twelve years ago today I was laughing and talking with my Darling and my two youngest children. The phone rang. My brother Barry was on the line. "Vince, you need to sit down," he said. I didn't hear the tremor in his voice. "Okay," I replied, moving toward a chair in the dining area. "I'm sitting. What's up?" "Mom died." I really should have been sitting. I dropped into the chair. "You...

Wednesday Weekly Bits and Pieces - 20 Nov 2013

Zarya Well, the last fifteen years have been a wild ride in orbit around the Earth. Fifteen years ago NASA successfully out the Zarya module to the International Space Station into permanent orbit. NASA completed the ISS a few years ago and it now houses six astronauts full-time. Congratulations to everyone involved! Go have some cake! NASA has a new spacecraft, MAVEN, heading to Mars , too. It launched on November 18. CNN has a nice video for the MAVEN mission. NASA also transmitted an image of the Mona Lisa to a satellite orbiting the moon using a laser . The transmission rate was only 300 bits per second, but I remember using that speed when I was starting graduate classes a few decades ago. You have to start somewhere. President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address a hundred and fifty years ago. His original manuscript is still preserved, using modern technologies to keep it from degrading. Darling's new phone is Android. After years of using an iPho...

Computers on Friday

Computer Virus Discussion, Computer Bits and Pieces I used to teach Advanced DOS classes at a local community college. For you young folks, that's "Disk Operating System" not "Denial of Service." One of the main topics I always had to cover was viruses (there is no plural for the Latin word virus). Computer viruses are just as bad now. The computing power of all the machines on the planet is astounding, so it doesn't surprise me that there are internet viruses infecting machines and installing zombies. Zombies are small programs that allow the virus master to use his bevy of machines to do simple tasks, like send messages to a particular web site to crash it (that's a Denial of Service attack). The really bad part is that many of the viruses can be installed as a drive-by. What that means is that you can visit a web site that will install the virus without any input from the user at all. A better explanation is in this article , where th...