The One $ Rule
This is The Only Financial Advice You'll Ever Need . If you can follow one simple rule your financial life will be forever simplified. Ready? Here it is: Don't buy something if you don't have the money. If you prefer more positive statements: Only buy if you have the cash. Everything else is commentary, including the dozens of techniques which tell you how to manage your money so that you have the cash. I don't use the common phrase "only spend what you make" because too many people get a nice job making, oh, say, $40 thousand a year and think that means they can go spend it all right now. Buy a new car. Buy a bigger house. That's incorrect logic. You don't have the money if it isn't in your bank and available to buy what you want. If you have debts, your money is earmarked to pay someone else; it isn't yours to spend. Don't spend the money you need for this month's rent or car payment or groceries or utilities or ch...