National African American History Month
I just received a notice of a Presidential Proclamation -- National African American History Month, 2014. I'm glad for the proclamation, but does that mean it is only for 2014? I think it should be celebrated every year. My friend Jaki Rivon's poetry book ON THE WINGS: COLLECTIVE WORKS OF POETRY has a couple amazing poems in it that fit this theme: The Signature of a Black Man and The Signature of a Black Woman , two of my favorite poems in the book! Both her books are now available as e-books on Amazon, published by our own company Undefined Logic, LLC (creators of the awesome iOS app Techno-Jargon!). We'll get them available pretty soon in print as well, though if you want a printed copy, Jaki has some at her home and she would be delighted to sign a copy for you! To order signed copies of either book Call 713-436-3227 or e-mail ON THE WINGS: COLLECTIVE WORKS OF POETRY TIMELESS GOOD NEWS I love both her books, but Amaz...