Retire Early 3 - Start Planning
In the last Retire Early post , I went over my formula for determining if you can retire now. If you can, that's great! We'll cover some of the headaches associated with retiring early in a future post. For the rest of you, let's talk about getting ready to retire early. The key to retiring early is saving enough money to do so. That sounds easy, doesn't it? Some people get jobs that pay well. Some wait to hit it big with the lottery. Just for information, according to statistics, lottery winners declare bankruptcy at twice the national average . I agree with many of the other experts on early retirement, though. The key to retiring early is to reduce your expenses. Let's look at a breakdown of expenses for a family making $50K a year. Caveat: I believe in supporting my church and the work it does, so I always build a ten percent tithe into my budgets. That's reflected in these numbers. If there are children, some of these numbers mus...