Thrown under the Omnibus
The huge Omnibus Bill just passed in Congress. A good man in Congress, a friend of mine, voted for it, calling it the lesser of two evils. He really did. Evil is still evil, my friend. Yeah, politics is a dirty business. They released the 2000+ page bill at two in the morning and gave the politicians less than 48 hours to read it. Here's what I think about bills. Firstly, they need to be written in simplified language. Congress shouldn't care; they don't read most of these massive bills anyway. Secondly, each bill should address ONE thing. For goodness sake, what is hard about that? The riders and amendments turn bills into monsters. Finally, every provision in the bill should be subject to one simple question: is it good for the PEOPLE of the United States or is it only good for the government? We SHOULD be a government of the people, by the people and for,the people, but we aren't any longer. Our government betrays the common people at every turn and ...