Nutrisystem Friday - Day 5
Ooooh, can you say BAD BOY? 'Cuz that's what I was on my fifth day of Nutrisystem, and the day I decided this just wasn't for me. But I have a plan! Keep reading... I had two pieces of wheat toast for breakfast. That wasn't so bad. Let's keep in mind that the weather here all week has been stormy, so that gave me a low-grade headache that I just couldn't shake. Then we made a field trip to Fry's so I could pick up a little computer that was on sale. Aside : The reasoning for this comes from the Ecuador trip . A few months ago I bought a Surface tablet, which I really like (I still like my iPad, too, but for different reasons). I thought the Surface would be a good, light computer to take with me on trips. It is, but not outside the country, I don't think. The few pounds it weighs becomes oppressive when I carry it everywhere, which I did because I didn't want to ... misplace ... it if I left it in my hotel room. Things happen, you know. S...