Financial Clarity - There isn't any
Okay, so let me be clear up front. I'm no financial analyst. I rely on what other people - much smarter people - write. I rely a little on gut feelings, but not so much any more. I also rely on prayer. Yes, you heard that rightly. I do pray about finances. Why not? Jesus solved Peter'a concern over government taxes by having a fish cough up some coin. Do it again, Lord, and I'll be fishin' every day! Let's face it - the USA is going to get hit by some sort of financial crisis. Everyone knows it. Heck, the government is partly shut down right now, though I hear the congressmen are still getting paid. Darling and I wrote a book in October of 2012 warning of the Fiscal Cliff - what it was and how it might impact us and some thoughts on how to prepare for it. ( The post is here .) We expected the government to get in gear and solve at least some of the problems. It didn't happen. We elect these folks to go to DC and work for us and I'm still not sure...