Coming Financial Crisis

We wrote our book, Preparing for the Fiscal Cliff, at the end of 2012. At the time the term "Fiscal Cliff" kept popping up in the news, but nobody defined it, so we wrote a short book about what it was and what you could do about it. Since 2012, nothing much has changed in our governmental financial status. Well, not for the better, anyway. Congress - you know, those wonderful guys and gals supposedly working FOR us, the People? - keep kicking the financial can down the road. In July of this year, the government lifted the nation’s debt ceiling and raised the limits on what the the federal government can spend over the next two years. In other words, while most US citizens struggle in their day to day lives, our government decided they could spend more money. I guess they figure it doesn't need to come from anywhere. After all, the Treasury Department can just print more dollars. Here's an aside: Now Mr. Trump just wiped out a few hundred million do...