Random thoughts for the day
I sit here and look out the window. The day is grey, the sky overcast and there is a chill in the air that permeates into the living room. I feel the chill into my bones, so I cover myself with a blanket. I’m wearing a plaid shirt, so, looking at me you might think I now live in the middle of the arctic. I have to admit, living here in Michigan after forty years in Texas does seem like I’ve moved to the frozen north. I read a bit of Romans. Some of it confuses me. Who, exactly, does Paul refer to in that first chapter as it moves into the second? Then we listen to Max Lucado and he shares communion over the internet. The sky remains grey, but the darkness wanes. God, my dears, remains God. He doesn’t change. Rain is good. God designed it for enhancing life. Rain is followed by sun, to help us grow. During the rain, look for the light. Just some thoughts for the day. I love you all.