The World did not end

The World did not end.

That is normally not news, but today it will be and I’m sure my blog is only one of millions with the same title.

In case you’ve missed this obscure bit of news, Harold Camping, an 89-year-old Christian entrepreneur, predicted the world would end on May 21, 2011.

That was yesterday. We’re still here.

Some of us are disappointed. Yes, I count myself in that group. Let me think about my two options.

1.     Heaven for eternity, tomorrow at six. Get your ticket. Don’t be late.
2.     Life continues on Earth, with inflation and war and famine and tough interpersonal relationships. And bad blog posts.

I’ll take option number one, thank you.

With those options, you’re probably agreeing with me. Maybe not.

Yet, as I drove down the road on this sunny, hot and humid morning, coming back from First Church (that’s another story) I looked at all the cars on the road and thought of all the people driving them. Then I thought of the people who got up this morning to realize the world did not end.  Then I thought of those who didn’t get up this morning. It struck me.

For a lot of people, the world did end yesterday.

I don’t know them, but that doesn’t matter. For those who survived the loss of a loved one, part of their world ended yesterday also.

So Mr. Camping wasn’t totally incorrect. He was wrong in scale, wrong in method, wrong in the advertising campaign. Earth is still here. God didn’t come back.

Yet some people went to God.

You were right, Mr. Camping. The World did end yesterday. Just not for us. Not yet.


  1. And I suppose the world ends today, and every day. (I didn't know it was about to end, so really, I missed the hype.) What struck me was how much fun my friends were having on Facebook and in church this morning, joking about missing the rapture! So in a way, though the world did not end, we got a bit more of life into the bargain. Yesterday was a little bit more colorful than it might have been had he never said that. Then again, I'm really only focusing on those who did NOT take it seriously. Those who did probably took it pretty hard. I heard something about them, quitting jobs and selling houses. Right? It's an "on the other hand" type of thing.

    Can you imagine (back to your blog post) someone in fifty years telling this story: "Yes, it's funny. Gran died the day the world was supposed to end. Grandpa said it didn't dare to end without her permission, and she died so quick she didn't have time to give it, so it's still waiting!" :)


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