The Lord's Prayer

Our Father We get to call God "Father" for the first time in History

Who art in Heaven Where He dwells, which defines Heaven, not places God

Hallowed be Thy name Praise Him simply because He is worthy

Thy Kingdom come We aren't asking for it, we're simply agreeing that it will happen

Thy Will be done Again, we aren't making a suggestion, just acknowledging a fact

On Earth as it is in Heaven and asserting that His will is as valid on Earth as in Heaven

Give us this day NOW we petition

Our daily bread for what we need, not want

And forgive us our trespasses and we certainly need forgiveness, received from the outstretched arms on the cross

As we forgive those who trespass against us a reminder that we need to dispense what we receive

Lead us not into temptation God doesn't tempt, but we can ask Him to keep our feet from paths where there is temptation

But deliver us from evil You better ask for this, since evil is looking for you - a spiritual war rages!

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory Acknowledgement of His authority and worthiness

Forever and ever which means eternally, because they didn't have a bigger number than this

The Lord's Prayer is actually a misnomer. It is the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught His followers when they asked Him to teach them to pray. (They knew prayer was a big part of His life, after all.)


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