Cleaning Guns

I worked with a guy at Boeing that really knows a lot about guns. This is how he says to clean them, which is a lot simpler than I ever thought.

I had to post this so I would not forget it.

Thanks Brian O'Keeffe. You know your guns!

Well, this is going to sound funny. 

But while most people will use the usual gun cleaners like Hopps or Outers or Gunslick from all the gun shops & sporting goods store, I learned from a Master Armourer Gunsmith video (yes, it was VHS) that Simple Green works best, followed by warm water rinse & dried thoroughly, followed by a good oiling.

Word of caution here, do not mix dissimilar metals/finishes while immersed in Simple Green (I did not learn this from a video or reading, but by experience), Simple Green is slightly caustic and will cause dissimilar metals to react enough to mess up a gun finish when the dissimilar metal parts touch!

I have used this method of cleaning with great success on my semiautos & revolvers & black powder guns.


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