Happy New Year

Welcome to 2019 everyone! I wish you a happy new year.

Holidays are winding down. People are leaving those precious few weeks of holiday spirit and returning to the world of work and worry.

I write in this blog for myself as much as for anyone who might read this. I don't get much feedback, so sometimes I feel alone here, prattling on into the void of the internet.

You too? Are you there?

By far the most comments are people concerned about their financial future. I'm right beside you on that one. I'll start this week posting about my thoughts on finances. Everything I write is free, so feel free to read and please feel free to comment.

Accidentally cross-posted on my Author blog site, 

Vince HableDecember 30, 2018 at 10:24 AM 
So my question to you is. Are there any good books out there that are worthy of reading about like what ted baumann spoke of

That's a good question. Baumann's book is not a bad read, but it doesn't seem to apply to most of us, to the people I know.

Who are we?

We're in retirement, or close to it. I chose to retire from all the corporate drudgery a few years ago and haven't looked back.

We have a few hundred thousand in IRAs or 401Ks. We know the government wants to get their hooks into our money, and we're worried about it. They'll do it by saying they are only here to help...

We have some money in savings accounts that pay almost no interest. Funny thing is, once you put your money in the bank, the bank seems to think it belongs to them. Darling withdrew two thousand dollars the other day for an upcoming trip. The teller had to get the bank manager and the bank acted as if this sort of thing just shouldn't happen; people shouldn't ask for their money in cash.

It's not the bank's money, but they now think it is. When I was young, banks were havens for cash and gave us reasonable interest rates, and treated us as valued customers. Now they report suspicious activities to the government. Activities like wanting our cash.

I remember duck and cover drills when I was in elementary school.

I remember neighbors that smiled at me as I walked by, and called my Mom if they saw me doing something wrong.

I remember a government that kept their hands out of our pockets and did the business that governments were supposed to do: 

establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
Wow. Happy memories. For those of us in the USA, I think there is a rocky road ahead.

I guess I'm done ranting for now.

I'll close with this. Our God is an awesome God. He reigns in heaven regardless of what happens in our lives. I hold onto that and look to the peace it gives me.

I don't know how people without Jesus in their lives can make it through the day. 

Finances, government, religion ...

There. I hit all the hot buttons.

I do wish you joy and peace in this New Year. 


  1. Vince-some interesting and funny thoughts as I looked through some of you posts. Found you via your post on the Bauman letter. One of my colleagues sent me a link to his video that predicts a huge crash. A little too much playing on the fear and half truths for me.

    There's some good money books out there. You might like Tony Robbins Money Master the Game. Of course, the Bible. Over 2,000 verses on how we should think about money. I guess it depends on what money questions you are trying to answer.

    1. And thanks for reading, by the way! I appreciate it.

  2. I do like Tony Robbins. I even more like the tapes I used to listen to by Jim Rohn, who was a mentor of Tony Robbins. I actually own this book and enjoyed it quite a lot. I was looking for specific financial investing ideas, but didn't really find any that Tony didn't have a personal interest in. Still, a good read.

  3. Happy New-Year!It was a very hard year for me. Find a job as a writer is tough. I wasted three month before i was found a job of a freelance writer at vip-writers and finally a started to build my writing career. Hope next year is gonna be way much better!


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