Thoughts on Marriage

We are born selfish. God knows this, as do all parents. Marriage is not a contract, as society would have you believe. A contract states that one party will do something for the other party, who in turn has certain obligations. A contract is binding as long as both parties do what they said they would do. A marriage is a covenant. In a covenant relationship each person pledges to do what they are supposed to do. God entered into a covenant relationship with Abraham, which is fortunate for Abraham and for us. The covenant God gave certain promises and Abraham answered with promises of his own. Abraham and his descendants (us) break those promises all the time. God, however, remains faithful to His covenant. Here’s the point. Marriage can NOT be selfish. The Marriage covenant says that you will put the needs of your spouse above your own. That sounds so simple… … but if you are reading that and have the slightest twinge of “See, I told you so! You are supposed to be ...