The beat goes on


I have a doctor appointment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. It will be a week or so after we've moved in to the new house back in Texas.

Assuming all goes well with the move, of course.

In the meantime, I'm taking exactly the treatment I swore I wouldn't take as the first step to beating this cancer.

We do what we must.

The moving saga continues, but that isn't for this blog post. Let's just focus here on the medicine and the trials and tribulations associated with getting good medical treatment in the USA.

I'm recovering well from the surgery. At least I think I am. It's hard to avoid moving boxes and items around here, especially as we prepare to move.

I'm still tired all the time. The current treatment doesn't seem to do much to mitigate that. I don't think I'm hurting as much as I did, but maybe I just don't recall. There might be some memory issues, too!

I do have a bothersome rash on my side now, but that isn't related to the cancer or the treatment, is it?

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for reading.


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