TURP Recovery Day Two


First night home.

I get up to pee every 15-30 minutes.

Maybe having the catheter in for a few days would have been a better idea. It didn't work for me, but your mileage may vary...

By morning, I'm exhausted.

However, my urine is much less bloody.

Oh, I forgot to mention that during the night I passed a blood clot - the size of a watermelon seed. That's less than the size of a dime that the hospital instructions say to worry about. It hurt like passing a watermelon...

I laze about all day, sometimes on the couch, sometimes on the bed, occasionally sitting. It sort of hurts to sit.

Come to think of it, it just sort of hurts.

Hey I found something in the literature as I researched for this blog post!

One of the side effects of a TURP: 

Need for re-treatment. Some men require follow-up treatment after TURP because symptoms don't improve or they return over time. Sometimes, re-treatment is needed because TURP causes narrowing (stricture) of the urethra or the bladder neck.


The same site also states:

TURP is generally considered an option for men who have moderate to severe urinary problems that haven't responded to medication. While TURP has been considered the most effective treatment for an enlarged prostate, a number of other, minimally invasive procedures are becoming more effective. These procedures generally cause fewer complications and have a quicker recovery period than TURP. 

So why did my doctors say nothing about this?

Before you have a TURP procedure, ask them about it.

 That picture is from the Mayo Clinic site.


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